Prophet Shu'aib A.S (Jethro)
Allah the Almighty revealed the story of Shu'aib (pbuh)"To the people of Madyan (Madian) (We transferred) their family Shu'aib. He said"O my people! Worship Allah, you have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Verily! a clear evidence ( sign) from your Lord has come unto you; so give full measure and full weight and wrong not men in their effects, and don't mischief on the earth after it has been set in order that will be better for you, if you're religionists. And sit not on every road, hanging, and hindering from the Path of Allah those who believe in Him, and seeking to make it crooked. Remember when you were but many, and He multiplied you. See what was the end of the Mufsideen ( mischief makers, corrupts and prevaricators). And if there's a party of you who believes in that which I've been transferred and a party who don't believe, so be patient until Allah judges between us, and He's the Stylish of judges."
The chiefs of those who were arrogant among his people said "We shall clearly drive you out, OShu'aib! and those who have believed with you from our city, or differently you all shall return to our religion."
He said" Indeed though we detest it! We should have constructed a tarradiddle against Allah if we returned to your religion, after Allah has saved us from it. It isn't for us to return to it unless Allah, our Lord, should will. Our Lord comprehends all effects in His Knowledge. In Allah ( Alone) we put our trust. Our Lord! Judge between us and our people in verity, for You're the Stylish of those Who gives judgment."
The chiefs of those who discredited among his people said to their people "If you follow Shu'aib be sure also you'll be the disasters!"
Also he (shu'aib) turned from them and said "O my people! I've indeed conveyed my Lord's Dispatches unto you and I've given you good advice. Also how can I anguish for the suspecting people's ( destruction)." (Ch 785-93 Quran)
The people of Madyan were Arabs who lived in the country of Ma'an, part of which moment is lesser Syria. They were a greedy people who didn't believe that Allah was and who led wicked lives. They gave short measure, praised their goods beyond their worth, and hid their blights. They prevaricated to their guests, thereby cheating them.
Allah transferred His Prophet Shu'aib (pbuh) armed with numerous cautions. Shu'aib sermonized to them, soliciting them to be aware of Allah's favors and advising them of the consequences of their evil ways, but they only mocked him.Shu'aib remained calm as he reminded them of his association to them and that what he was doing wasn't for his particular gain.
They seized the things ofShu'aib and his followers, also drove them out of the megacity. The Messenger turned to his Lord for help, and his plea was answered. Allah transferred down on them scorching heat and they suffered terribly. On seeing a pall gathering in the sky, they allowed it would bring cool, stimulating rain, and rushed outdoors in the stopgap of enjoying the downfall. Rather the pall burst, hurling thunderbolts and fire. They heard a sonorous sound from above which caused the earth under their bases to fluctuate. The evil doers decomposed in this state of horror.
Allah the Exalted stated "The resides of Al Aiyka (near Midian, or Madyan) belied the Couriers. When Shu'aib said to them "Will you not sweat Allah and observe Him? I'm a secure Messenger to you. SO sweat Allah, keep your duty to Him, and observe me. No price do I ask of you for it (my communication of Islamic Deism), my price is only from the Lord of the Alamin ( humanity, jinn and all that exists). Give full measure, and beget no loss to others. And weigh with the true and straight balance. Defraud not people by reducing their effects nor do wrong making corruption and mischief in the land. Fear Him Who created you and the generations of the men of old."
They said "You're only one of those bewitched! You're but a mortal being like us and verily, we suppose that you're one of the prevaricators! So beget a piece of heaven to fall on us, if you're of the veracious!"
He said "My Lord is the Stylish Knower of what you do."
But, they belied him, so the torment of the day of shadow (a caliginous pall) seized them, indeed that was the torment of a Great Day. Verily, in this is a sign yet utmost of them aren't religionists. And verily! Your Lord, He's indeed the All Potent, the Utmost Merciful." (ch26176-191 Quran)
Islamic Questions:
Q: What does Jihad mean?
(a) Holy war (b) Struggle (c) Cleanse (d) Gain freedom
Q: What is the Arabic word for "Book" ?
(a) Khallas (b) Hala (c) Kitab (d) Shukran
[ Note: Answer the 2 questions in the comment box ]
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