Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The story of prophet Musa A.S

Prophet Hazrat Musa A.S 

 Musa (as) was a great Prophet of Allah. Allah loved Musa (as) dearly, and has mentioned him more

. than any other Prophet in the Qur’an. Allah indeed spoke to Musa (as) directly, which is a huge

. honour. Because of this Musa (as) is also known as‘Kalimullah,’which means 'to whom Allah has

. spoken.’

Musa (as) as a baby

Musa (as) was born in Egypt, and was a direct assignee of Ibrahim (as). Musa (as) was born into

the lineage of Banu Israel, also known as the Children of Israel. The Banu Israel descended from Yusuf

(as), who was born in Palestine but latterly made his home in Egypt.

The Banu Israel are said to have been favored

by Allah. But Pharaoh, the King of Egypt,

. treated them poorly. He was a cruel King and

the Banu Israel suffered under his rule.

Once, Pharaoh had a dream that a baby boy

. would be born into the Banu Israel, and that

. boy would one day kill Pharaoh. Pharaoh

came alarmed, and to stop the dream

. coming true he ordered his dogfaces to kill all

the baby boys born to the Banu Israel.

After Musa (as) was born, his mama was

. alarmed that Pharaoh’s dogfaces would find and

kill her baby. But Allah showed Musa (as)’s

mama a dream in which He guided her to put

him into the River Nile. When Pharaoh’s

dogfaces came to search the house, Musa (as)’s

. mama snappily put him into a rustic handbasket and put the handbasket into the swash. The water carried

the baby down. Musa (as)’s mama was spooked for her baby, and although it was hard for her to

. watch him drift down, she believed Allah would look after him.

Musa (as)’s mama transferred her son to follow the handbasket. Ultimately, the handbasket washed up from

. the River Nile right near Pharaoh’s palace. The guards at the palace plant the baby and took him to

Pharaoh’s woman, Asiyah.

Asiyah was a kind woman and as soon as she saw the baby, she loved him. She asked Pharaoh not to

kill the baby and rather to let her borrow him. Pharaoh agreed.

Asiyah transferred her maids out to find a wet- nanny who could bone- feed baby Musa (as). Through the

will of Allah, Musa (as) rejected all the wet- nursers who came forward. Eventually, Musa (as)’s family came

. forward and said she knew of a woman who could feed the baby, but kept it a secret that the

. woman was Musa (as)’s mama.

When Musa (as)’s mama began to feed him, he accepted her milk. Through Allah’s mercy, Musa

. (as)’s mama, who had placed her trust in Him and watched her baby drift down down the River

. Nile, was reunited with her child as his wet- nanny. Musa (as) would be taken to his mama’s home

everyday so that she could feed him.

Musa (as)’s exile from Egypt

The times passed. Musa (as) lived in Pharaoh’s palace as a Napoleon, and came a big and incredibly

. strong youthful man. One time, Musa (as) was walking through city and came across two men who

. were fighting. One man was from Banu Israel and the other man was an Egyptian. The man from

Banu Israel called out to Musa (as) to help. Musa (as) interposed and struck the Egyptian to stop the

fight. But, Musa (as) was so strong that the man failed from a single blow.

Musa (as) didn't mean to hurt the Egyptian. He was filled with deep anguish and prayed Allah to

forgive him for what had happed.

The coming day, Musa (as) was out walking again and came across the same man from Banu Israel who

. was fighting with another Egyptian. Again, the man from Banu Israel called on Musa (as) to help. This

time, Musa (as) recognized that the man was a troublemaker, and said no to the man. At this

comment, the man from Banu Israel designedly cried loudly

.‘Are you going to kill me like you killed the man history?’

The news snappily reached the Pharaoh that Musa (as) had killed a man. The Pharaoh and his chiefs

planned to kill Musa (as) as discipline, but a kind man advised Musa (as) and told him to leave

. Egypt before he could be arrested.

Musa (as) left Egypt snappily, and travelled to a far down city called Madyan. It was a long and delicate

trip. When Musa (as) arrived in Madyan, he saw a well with numerous goatherds around it, soddening

. their creatures. There were two women near the well with their creatures but they weren't suitable to get

any water because of all the other goatherds pushing before them. Seeing that they demanded help,

. Musa (as) drew water from the well for the two women.

The two women went home to their father and told him what had happed. Their father wanted to

price this kind man and invited Musa (as) to his home and offered him a job. Latterly, one of this

. man’s daughters married Musa (as).

Musa (as) spent ten times in Madyan working for his father-in- law. Although he was happy there, he

. missed his family in Egypt. He wanted to see them again, so he set off on a trip back to Egypt

. with his woman.

Allah speaks to Musa (as)

During the trip back to Egypt, Musa (as) and his

. family lost their way. The wandered in the dark until

they spotted a fire. Musa (as) went to probe in

the stopgap that the people near the fire would direct

him towards Egypt, and maybe give him some

. burning wood to keep his family warm.

When Musa (as) approached the fire, he saw that it

. was actually a burning tree. As the tree burned, it

. came greener rather of turning to ash. Musa (as)

was amazed, and it was at this point that Allah called

. out to Musa (as) and informed him that he was a

Prophet of Allah.

Allah told Musa (as) to go to Pharaoh and invite him to Islam. Pharaoh was evil, and tortured the

. Banu Israel. Allah wanted Pharaoh to free His retainers, and not to bear cruelly toward them

. presently.

Musa (as) used to speak with a stammer. He was upset that he'd not be suitable to speak to the

people duly, and asked Allah to give him with support from his family Harun (as). Allah

granted Musa (as) his prayer and strengthened him through his family. In this way, Musa (as)’s

. family, Harun (as), also came a Prophet of Allah.

Islamic Question 

Q: How many Islamic holy books have been published?

(a) 1         (b) 2          (c) 3         (d) 4

Q:How many Haji were done by prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

(a) 2              (b) 3            (c) 4             (d) 1

[ Note: Answer the 2 questions in the comment box ]

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